London Marathon success

A huge congratulations and thank you to our 2017 marathon runners!

At 10am on Sunday 23rd April, over 38,000 people were lining up to cross the start line for the 2017

Pecan on a mission!

Pecan at Easter, a new financial year and an exciting new accreditation!

Sat here at my new desk, with the sun beating down on Peckham (sort of)

Are you our new auditor?

We would like to invite you to audit for Pecan!

Please see below for more information and instructions for submitting a tender.

Simon’s marathon start to Foodbank

Simon Boxall started as Southwark Foodbank Manager at the beginning of December 2016. Since then he has coordinated our busiest time of the year; enabling over 80 families to

HOurBank March newsletter out now

Did you know that HOurBank publish a monthly newsletter and exchange list? It contains all the latest requests, offers and events for the month. If you don’t know what we’re talking about, learn

Southwark Screens films for our Foodbank!

The critically acclaimed film follows, Daniel Blake, a Newcastle construction worker, who falls by the wayside of the benefit system when he’s denied financial support – even though his doctors have told him going to work is a health risk. Throughout his journey he befriends neighbours and peers in society that are struggling through social issues themselves.

“Can’t we be a cat charity instead?”

Yesterday was the 17th of January – the day where, for the UK at least, most people give up on their new years resolutions. That’s a solid 17 days where people try to go for a run every morning, stop snacking, stop

How did Cafe Viva raise £607.81?

I’ve been here plenty of times before, popping in over the Christmas break to get a quick coffee, and check the Southwark Foodbank Christmas Hamper collection tin. But I’ve never

The Latest Update: Moving On

Pecan are very pleased to announce that its Moving On programme has been awarded the Approved Provider Standard (APS) by the Mentoring and Befriending Foundation for its