Thy Kingdom Come

A message from one of our Trustee

Ish Lennox, a Pecan Trustee highlights the importance of Thy Kingdom Come’s message of social justice during the week of collaborative prayer, which runs from 18-28 May 2023. 

Ish is aware of the work Pecan does to address social issues through our engagement work with the community, users of our services and clients, to help make changes within Southwark.

As a trustee at Pecan, Ish is aware of the work Pecan does to address social issues through our engagement work with the community, users of our services and clients, to help make changes within Southwark. Pecan is a Christian charity and was founded by six churches that wanted to discuss social action and make a difference in Peckham. 

Read Ish’s thoughts on how we can make a difference during this week of inclusive prayers to make change:

Something to read …  

Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, and plead the widow’s cause,” (Isaiah 1:17)    


Something to think about … 

Heavenly Father, you to teach us to seek justice, to correct oppression and take up the cause of the fatherless. We ask that when the scale of injustice seeks to overwhelm us, your spirit will be the encouragement we need to keep to speaking out against it. 
Today, we ask for a breakthrough for those facing situations of injustice. May they know a sense of hope that only you can bring. Amen. 

Something to pray… 

God of strength and peace, 
send your blessing on all those who experience oppression and injustice. 
Sustain them in their struggles, Lord today may they know an act of kindness. 
Hold them in their fear, Lord today may they believe for change. 
Protect them all from danger and be for them the hope they desire; for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen. 

Something to do … 

Pray, Give, Act 

  • Pray for the work of Pecan
  • Give a donation to the work of PECAN via Big Give (between 15-22 May) who will double your donation or make a donation to the foodbank.  The May list of urgently required items can be found here 
  • Act, tell people about the work of Pecan.  Join us as a volunteer. 
  • Further information about Thy Kingdom Come:

To Support Pecan

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